Friday, July 28, 2017

Catch Up....Aaaaand I'm Pregnant

Hello hello hellooooo! It has truly been a while since I've posted and I never intended to go this long without blogging. It's something I started last year and always looked forward to. But as life does, things got busy and I found myself slacking in this area. Well, now I'm back and figured I'd recap with a life update since it has been quite some time.

Since my last post (I don't even want to look back at the date because I know it's been too long!) I have received a promotion! I'm so excited to be in position I worked so hard for. As if that wasn't exciting news enough, shortly after Benson and I received some other very exciting news ......I'M PREGNANT! :) I honestly still don't believe the words yet when I tell people, or feel the kicks in my belly, or get nauseous every time I'm around red meat or tacos. It's so surreal and so exciting at the same time. Time is already flying by and before we know it our baby boy (Evan James to be exact!) will be here in no time!

Let me fill you in on the back story of finding out we're expecting a baby...

I found out I was pregnant VERY early (thanks Clearblue!). I bought a pack of tests and it was a Friday morning in the end of March that I woke up and figured I'd take one (expecting it to be negative). As I did what I had to do for the test I then washed my face while waiting for the test to read me my result. A couple minutes later my life had changed - PREGNANT! My mouth dropped and I'm sure it's no surprise that I was mentally freaking out and speechless all while Benson was still asleep. I then thought to myself if I should tell him right then and there or wait until after work so we could have the whole weekend to process this great news. Of course being as impatient as I am there was no way I could last a whole day at work without telling him. I grabbed the test, and then went into the kitchen where I still have wine bottles from our "Basket of First's" and pulled out the "First Baby" sparkling apple cider bottle (thanks Camille!). I went into the bedroom and woke Benson up with the bottle right in his face. His first reaction was "What did I miss!" Thinking that it was a birthday or anniversary he forgot about. Once he was able to open his eyes and actually read what the bottle said I then showed him the test. His face was priceless and I'm pretty sure mine looked the same way when I read the results of the test to myself. It was such a joyous moment and also scary as shit. I mean....we're really having a baby!! Needless to say that day at work I don't think I got nearly as much done as I usually do. Benson and I were emailing each other all day still in shock and thinking of the road ahead trying to sort everything out and plan.

The next week we were planning on telling our families. It was perfect timing because we were heading to Baltimore to see my dad's bell ringing ceremony for completing his proton therapy for prostate cancer. It was so hard to see everyone that weekend and wait until Saturday night when we got home to then tell them! We presented a onesie in a gift bag to my parents saying that it was  a welcome home present for the both of them. We did the same thing with Benson's parents the following day and the reactions everyone had to our good news was incredible.

We announced our news publicly towards the end of May and had a gender reveal party in the beginning of July. I have to be honest, when we popped the balloon I was totally expecting pink confetti because I just had a feeling it was going to be a girl. I was completely surprised but so excited to know that we are going to have a little boy! My due date is December 2nd and while that still now may seem as though we have plenty of time to prepare, I know it's going to be here in the blink of an eye.

*Knocks on wood* So far my pregnancy has been great. I really didn't have too many symptoms aside from being tired....but let's be honest, that was me even before I was pregnant! I had absolutely no morning sickness either. I crave sweets like crazy and would much rather eat snacks or breakfast food than an actual meal, tacos make me want to vomit and so does red meat. My appetite changes at the drop of a hat. I could be at Wegmans and pick something up that I want in that moment but by the time I get home I'd rather eat cereal for dinner....pregnancy is VERY strange! The exciting part is that I can now feel baby Evan's kicks and punches. Talk about a weird sensation! But it is so cool and fascinating. I am also very thankful that so far I have had healthy and smooth pregnancy. Benson hasn't had to endure too much of any requests except a few ice cream runs now and then ;)

Tomorrow I am officially 22 weeks and I feel as though I'm already behind on things! I know everyone says that time flies by when you have kids and the fact that our first isn't even born yet but I'm already more than halfway through my pregnancy blows my mind. I suppose we should start our baby registry now!

And there you have it! A little life catch up since my last post with big news! I definitely want to get back into blogging because I love documenting these kinds of things as well as sharing things that interest me such as recipes, tips, reviews and so on. I remember I was nervous at first to start a blog because I didn't know if people would think I was silly for doing it but it's what I like and I want to stick with it. Not to mention I actually received some awesome feedback from my posts and it made me so happy to know that people were taking an interest! I don't expect to be a full-time blogger but I enjoy doing it and here's to keep on typing on! Thanks for reading!

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